Natural Health Care for Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-Being

Today’s items could be called Lifestyle remedies.  You need them more often depending on the lifestyle you live.

7.    Nux Vomica 30C

Nux Vomica can help with overindulgence.

Nux Vomica can help with overindulgence.

Nux Vomica is a homeopathic remedy made from a nut. It’s most useful for the after effects of over indulgence. This could include too much food or too much drink. Take a dose of 30C before you go to bed, if you can remember, but for sure when you wake up in the morning.  In hearing of others use of this remedy, they find they not only feel better if they take it, they sleep better too.  If you take it in the morning, you may find you are able to fall back asleep again. I feel like Nux Vomica is the ultimate homeopathic remedy.  In General, homeopathy could be described as the “hair of the dog that bit you.”  And Nux vomica is a specific remedy for the “Hair of the dog that bit you.”

If you feel compelled to over indulge frequently, please seek constitutional care from a professional homeopath.

8.    Ruta

This plant, when made into a homeopathic remedy, helps connective tissue.

This plant, when made into a homeopathic remedy, helps connective tissue.

Ruta Graveolens 30c is a useful remedy for athletes.  It is great for sprained ankles, tendinitis, and other injuries to the connective tissue.  It is also indispensable if you have an injury to the illiac crest.  This is called a hip pointer in the world of athletics. Please read this earlier post which has a success story on the use of Ruta.  The dental ligament, which is under your gums, can become injured from dental work.  Ruta can help heal the insult to the dental tissues quickly.

9.    Your Constitutional Remedy in a 30C

You only know your constitutional remedy after having a series of appointments with a classical homeopath.  One of the nice things about a constitutional remedy is that you get sick less often.  But, nothing is perfect and people on homeopathy do get sick occasionally.  If you feel you are getting sick, but have no specific symptoms, you can take a 30C dose or two for a couple of days of your constitutional remedy and it will help ward off whatever is coming.

If you are hoping that we are not done after the next post, you are correct!  There are definitely more than 10 essential natural health care products that are hard to live without.



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