Natural Health Care for Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-Being

Archive for November, 2011

Athlete Gets Back on The Court in No Time

My twelve year old son Dylan received his most serious injury of his young sports career this past weekend.

Basketball season has begun.  Although soccer is his best sport, Basketball is a good complementary sport for winter–it helps develop his upper body whereas the focus is on the lower body in soccer.

But it is a contact sport, and often the contact is with the floor.  He got pushed  from behind and fell on his left hip and elbow.

I could see that this was for real.  He winced in pain and could hardly get off the floor.  He did not play the rest of the evening.

We got home, I gave him Arnica for the trauma. Upon closer examination, it appeared he had a hip pointer.

I was not scheduled to be home on Saturday, so I couldn’t keep tabs on how he was really doing.  I was teaching an Acute Care Homeopathy course all day.  During class, I was talking about a remedy called Ruta, which is for shin splints, injuries to the periosteum, sprained ankles and wrists, and is also a specific for injuries to the illiac crest.  As I was teaching, I said, “This is what I need to give Dylan!”  A hip pointer is an injury to the illiac crest.

He felt like the Arnica was helping him, so I waited to see how he was Sunday morning.  It wasn’t looking good for playing that afternoon.  I wasn’t satisfied that he still needed Arnica.  I gave him some Ruta 200c.  Within an hour, he said, “Mom, come and see my hip.”  The bruise was completely gone.  He was running around, feeling MUCH better.  I gave him one more dose before his game. He decided to try warming up at his afternoon basketball game.

Apparently warm ups went well because he played.  He scored 6 points and was unbeatable on defense. They won in overtime.

He was a bit sore in the evening.  I gave him another dose.  He didn’t even mention it this morning.

So all you athletes:  Ruta 200C or higher for hip pointers.  This is an injury which, according to most accounts, takes 1 – 2 weeks to heal.  For Dylan, it took 2 days.  Who knows, if I had switched sooner, it may have been better sooner.

If you need help with an athletic injury, let me know.



Happy Hydrogenium Day!

Today is 11-11-11.  This day won’t happen again for 100 years, so let’s make the best of it.

Hydrogen represents the beginning, an explosion, the start of all things.

The number one is related to new beginnings.  When you put a second number one next to the first, you get the number eleven, which represents a door.  So today is a door to new beginnings x 3.

Hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table.  It is number one. It is about the beginning of time, the big bang theory, the origins of the universe.

As a homeopathic remedy, Hydrogenium represents the beginning, conception, not quite coming into the world.  The people who need it may come across as a bit flaky and flighty.  After all, it is a gas, so why not.

They may be seeking that oneness, that unity with the divine.  They are often spiritual seekers.  There may be a sense that they are under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, but mostly there is not much drug use on the part of these individuals.  Why would they need to?

They are often haughty, arrogant and egotistical.  After all, they have a connection with the divine and the rest of us don’t.  They can have a difficult time in expressing their spirituality that is helpful and accessible to others.  Once they receive the remedy, they are more likely to have a spiritual nature that is able to create value for others.

BTW, 11-11-11 could also be Natrum (sodium) day, but they are not open, but rather closed down individuals, keeping people out and protecting themselves.  It is just two rows down in the periodic table, but a world apart.

On this Hydrogenium Day, lets all strive for symbiosis and unity with others and reach for that divine state that is within all of us.   Let’s start over at the beginning in any relationships that need improving.  Let’s create value for the world in all things we do.



More Colorful Food

Blood oranges are nutrient dense citrus fruit.

I was in the grocery store yesterday, and to my delight, I found Cara Cara Oranges.  If you are used to eating regular naval oranges, you’ll find these a refreshing change.

They are pink, but don’t look like grapefruit.  They have a different taste from a regular naval orange. They are lovely on a fruit platter, their color contrasting with other citrus fruits.

I was then reminded of Blood Oranges.  It isn’t blood orange season yet, and I’ll try to remind you when it is.  But the pulp is multi colored, but it is mostly the color of blood.  Dark red and very juicy.  Usually blood oranges are smaller than naval oranges.  Their dark color indicates that they have the same nutrients as raspberries and blue berries, which are outrageously expensive if you can even find them fresh in the winter.  So blood oranges make an unusual alternative.  I frequently bring platters of citrus fruit to winter gatherings. The display of oranges, clementines, cara cara oranges and blood oranges along side a pink grapefruit tantalizes the senses.

Can’t wait to see them on display.



The End of October. What’s Next?

This is the end of the 31 Days of Blogging for October–on November 1st.  A bit ironic, but a busy day yesterday.

Did you get much candy for Halloween?  Eating sugar really suppresses your white blood cell activity.  A lot of parents think that their kids just get sick in November because the weather is getting cold.  While homeopaths know that weather affects health, we also know that sugar affects health as well.  Here is my trick I used to use when my children were little.  I would keep their candy on top of the refrigerator where they couldn’t reach it.  I’d give them one piece each and throw a piece of candy in the trash at the same time.  They didn’t know, of course, but it certainly made it disappear quickly.  Interestingly, in more recent years, they simply don’t eat it all.  It goes up in their rooms, where they don’t spend much time except for sleeping, and they forget about it.  It gets old and hard and they voluntarily throw it in the trash.

I will continue to write in my blog, but not everyday.  It was a good exercise for me, but I felt I fell behind in other things.  So I will write less often, perhaps a couple times a week.

I will continue to comment on stories in the news and respond to common questions I receive.  I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.

In the meantime, check out my website.  I have a lot more information there.

