Natural Health Care for Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-Being

Archive for the ‘Homeopathy and Families’ Category

The Truth About Homeopathy, Part 2–Exciting Cause versus Root Cause

Exciting Cause versus Root Cause

How many times have you felt like you have discovered the cause of a particular health problem?  You have finally gotten to the bottom of it.  This is the root cause, the source of all troubles.

The solution may look something like this:

If I stop drinking bubbly water, my bladder problems will go away.


If I become a vegetarian, that will solve my digestive issues.


If I just eat chocolate a little less often, I can keep my anxiety under control.


If I sleep on my right side, I will sleep better because then I won’t hear my heart beating as I am trying to fall asleep.


If I diffuse Lavender, my anxiety is lessened. (This suggests that you have a deficiency of Lavender currently.)

NeonTrees3There are an unlimited number of possibilities we can concoct in our mind as solutions to make our lives better and seemingly improve our health.

In homeopathy, all these “solutions” are referred to as modalities.  We ask our clients a number of questions about what makes symptoms better and what makes them worse.  They are important in determining the correct remedy.

However, they are a “cause” of sorts.  Chocolate could be a cause of your anxiety. Eating meat could cause your digestive issues.

That sort of cause is what is referred to as an “exciting cause.”  Moving out of a damp basement when you have asthma, removes the exciting cause. But what it doesn’t address is why do you have the propensity to develop asthma in the first place.  THAT is the root cause.  The damp basement is the exciting cause.

We can spend the rest of our lives removing exciting causes and chasing down the next one that pops up.  When we have surgery to remove an ovary because of ovarian cysts, that removes the exciting cause of ovulation from that ovary.  But, the next problem will arise later.  It is like a game of whack-a-mole.  My experience over and over is that removing exciting causes where we can is an important contribution to long term healing, but does not solve the problem.

IMGP0670Examining the root cause requires an in depth intake interview.  Examining how you feel about certain events in your life, how you react to other people, dreams, food cravings, sleep positions, and many other questions help get to the bottom of your problems.  Symptoms of your problems come in many forms, some unrelated to what you think your chief complaint is.  Signs of the right remedy may arise in an off-hand comment, or a box you check in the intake form.

Homeopathy helps get to the root of the problem.  It is a profound form of healing.  Anything that only tackles the exciting causes is just a management technique.

If you would like to know more about how to get to the root cause of your problems, click here to book a Complimentary Consult today!


Homeopathy and Autism

ImageIn the eleven years that I have been practicing homeopathy, I have had some success working with Autistic kids and others on the Autism Spectrum.  But it has never been quite as outstanding as I have seen working with other complaints.

Recently I completed CEASE Therapy training.  CEASE stands for Complete Elimination of Autism Spectrum Expression.  It is a three-pronged protocol developed by Tinus Smits, MD, a Dutch homeopathic physician.

It is based on classical homeopathy, which is one prong of the protocol.  The other is very few Orthomolecular Supplements, chosen to match the symptoms the client is experiencing.  The third prong is Isotherapy using potentized substances.

According to Smits, there are three layers that any person can have that can cause illness.  Many autistic and Asberger’s children have an “accidental layer”.  That is, a layer that has been caused by some toxin that they have been exposed to.

Smits also refers to “universal layers” which is much like classical homeopathy, where a remedy is chosen to match a particular person.  He envisions that there are potentially nine universal layers which many people have.  It is important to note that not everyone has a universal layer.  They are named such because he frequently sees these layers in children on the Autism Spectrum and others as well.  I have given these universal layer remedies, which he calls Inspiring Homeopathy, mostly to people NOT on the Autism Spectrum.

Finally there is an “individual layer”.  This is the homeopathy that most people think of when they think of Constitutional, Classical Homeopathy.  CEASE therapy generally ends with a Constitutional remedy and there may be an inter-current individual remedy as well.

Dr. Smits saw and healed several hundred children as he developed this protocol.  His book, Autism:  Beyond Despair tells of his many success stories.

CEASE is not an easy therapy.  Usually there is some back sliding before they move forward.  But it is worth it in the end.  My CEASE clients are required to read Dr. Smits’ book before they can become clients.  Fortunately, it is a quick read.

The CEASE protocol can also be used for other complaints as well.  For example, chronic Lyme’s Disease can be helped with the CEASE isotherapy protocol, as can damage caused by amalgam fillings, prescription drugs (I’ve never been well since I took X drug) and much more.

I will continue to post information on CEASE and Homeopathy and Autism as I have more success stories to share.  Meanwhile, if you need help, you know who to call.

Kathryn Berg


A Posthumous Remedy for Whitney Houston

The loss of a great talent is always sad, and when that person dies at a young age, it is especially distressing.

It is unfortunate that Whitney Houston didn’t know about homeopathy (or if she did, she clearly wasn’t using it).  Her anxiety about whether she was good enough could have been helped.

Normally, a homeopath can’t just figure out a remedy for someone without sitting down with her and hearing the story in her own words.  Fortunately, we do have interviews with Whitney and stories related by several friends and acquaintances that have been played on TV and printed in magazines and the internet in the wake of her death and funeral.  Still, to be able to ask her questions would make this more accurate.

Whitney needed a remedy from the Mineral world, which is generally about finding ones place in the world.  She knew she wanted to be a singer, but she was often torn about the type of music she sang and whether she was a good enough actress to be in the movies.

Specifically, I would choose a mineral remedy from the Fifth row of the Periodic Table. This row includes remedies for very creative people:  artists, musicians, actors, etc.  It also includes athletes, because it is all about performance.  Attorneys, ministers and healers are also often found in this row.

I would choose Palladium Metallicum for Whitney Houston.  Palladium is in the 10th column of the periodic table.  In homeopathy, remedies in the 10th column are the most confident.  But it is important to know that they can also have the opposite symptoms as well.  Also, think of the 10th column as the top of the peak.  If you are standing at the top of the peak, you need to balance yourself and can easily fall one way or another.  Remedies to the right of Column 10 are often seeking a way to get back to the top where they once were.  Remedies to the left of Column 10 are hoping to finally arrive.

Palladium is the sparkling success, glowing under admiring looks, the glittering prize.  They want people to admire them and the more admirers the better.  They love the lime light.

However, on the reverse side of this remedy, they can lack confidence, feel humiliated, experience wounded pride.  It is possible that Whitney Houston needed this remedy while she was at her best but needed a remedy to the right of Palladium when she started to fall.  Argentum (silver) is in Column 11.

I would consider Argentum Nitricum or Argentum Metallicum.  Both of them have performance anxiety, which she had.  They also like to be admired and acknowledged, but don’t feel they are anymore.  They can become quite dictatorial and condescending (which she was) if they don’t get what they want.  She apparently had people in her entourage who would never tell her “no”.  The other reason for considering an Argentum remedy of some sort is because people who need these remedies are very concerned about their image.  Whitney Houston had her imaged managed very carefully and her marriage to Bobby Brown was a rebellion of sorts towards that image management.  The fact that she had someone else managing her image is the same as her managing her own image.

Argentum Nitricum has more anxiety than Argentum Metallicum.  They are afraid they can’t deliver as promised anymore.  They look for a way out of performances (boy, did she!), they feel nervous before every performance, they feel suffocated and want to escape.

It is possible that she needed Palladium while she was successful and one of the Argentums once she fell from the top.  Another option are the Antimoniums (Stibium).  The reason is that people who need these remedies often have a foul mouth, which apparently she did, but not on stage.  But she probably married a person who needs an Antimonium remedy.

In preparing to write this blog I watched several Whitney Houston videos and listened to her songs on Spotify. It broke my heart to see her singing The Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl.  She was in her element there.  Happy, glittering, glowing.  Her rendition of Dolly Parton’s I Will Always Love You was one of the top selling singles ever.  Yet, the delusion persisted that she wasn’t good enough.

Homeopathy can do a lot, but it can’t bring back a person from the dead.  It is sad that more people don’t know about it as an option to remove their delusions and improve and even save their lives.

What Do You Think Of….? Part 2

One of the big disagreements between natural health practitioners, such as homeopaths and acupuncturists, and western medicine doctors isn’t whether or not western medicine drugs suppress symptoms.  The disagreement is whether suppressing symptoms is problematic or not.  They largely say it is not.  We say it is.

Dis-ease is like a vine

How many of you know of someone who has taken a medication, only to develop additional symptoms.  Eczema?  Here’s some cortisone creme.  What happens a few months later?  Asthma perhaps?  I’ve seen it.  I had a client a long time ago who had asthma.  She received a remedy that matched her current symptoms.  To my surprise, she called me between appointments to tell me that some warts on her fingers had returned.  It had been hard to keep them suppressed, and she had had several appointments to get them frozen off.  The interesting thing is that when the warts returned, the asthma went away.  It took until we could give her a stronger dose of her remedy for the warts to disappear completely.  But she was happy to have the warts in the mean time rather than the asthma.

Many people’s lives have been saved by Western Pharmaceuticals, and this should not be disregarded.  However, there is a time and a place for them. Sometimes symptoms spiral out of control and it becomes a game of Whack-a-Mole.

Think of your dis-ease as a very tall pole, and ll your symptoms as vines growing up the pole.  if you cut down the vines, they will grow back again.  If you cut down all the vines, it also allows new and different vegetation to take hold and grow up the vine.  The suppressive approach taken by western medicine is analogous to cutting the vines down.  If you stop the medicine, the vines grow back.  If you continue the medicine, you allow new growth in the form of new symptoms.  Then you need an additional medicine to cut down the new vines.

By contrast, homeopathy aims to remove the pole.  If the vines have no where to grow, they will die.

In life, it is much easier and faster to snip down a vine than to cut down a pole.  The attraction of suppressing the symptoms and having instant relief is clear.  However, homeopathic remedies can work with amazing speed–sometimes within seconds.  The waiting that occurs is the time it takes for your body to heal itself.



What Do You Think Of…… ?

As a practitioner of natural health, specifically homeopathy, I get a lot of question about what I think of various procedures, drugs, medications, etc.  Just a heads up, I have not written all of these yet, so if you have a question, please comment below and I will respond in a subsequent blog posting.

The first and most common question is, What Do You Think of Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, etc.?

They don’t get to the bottom of the problem.  It may appear at times that they do, but they really don’t.  Many years ago the explanation of headaches to a family member was that the brain chemistry was off.  I was pretty young then, but I still wondered why it was off.  Why not figure out why rather than just give something to balance the problem.  No one ever had an answer for me.  Turns out, there isn’t one from their viewpoint.  Homeopathy does get to the bottom of the problem.  For example, lets say that a 16 year old girl is home alone, doing her homework, when someone attempts to break into the house.  They aren’t successful, but she is frightened nonetheless.  For months, she is afraid to be alone.  She gradually gets a bit better, but is still nervous when home alone.  Over time, she develops a free floating anxiety problem and pretty soon she has developed Raynaud’s disease.  This is a disorder that is characterized by very cold hands.

If she goes to the doctor, they will give her some medications, Beta Blockers I believe, for the Raynaud’s.  She probably previously had started some anti-anxiety medications.

Had she gone to a homeopath when it first happened, she would have gotten over the idea that someone was going to break into her house.  Her fear of intruders would have dissipated and she likely would have not developed the Raynaud’s.  The remedy I would have chosen for her is Arsencium album.

Dis-ease, whether physical or mental, is characterized by living in the There and Then.  Even many years later, she is living AS IF there is an intruder about to break into her house.  Gradually she developed physical pathology to correspond to the mental/emotional state brought around by the intruder.  Health is living in the Here and Now.  We know that something that happened long ago is no longer occurring in our lives.  Homeopathy helps you get over the delusion of living in the past–the There and Then–and gets you into living in the present–the Here and Now.

Tomorrow–more thoughts on drugs to manage symptoms.



Anxiety, Depression and Homeopathy

Since this is the week for Homeopathy and Families, it seemed important to bring up a topic which is very common in families these days–depression which is often accompanied by anxiety.  Are more people depressed than used to be?  Are more people getting diagnosed with depression than there used to be?  Is this because there are now medications for it so it is more acceptable or perhaps people just think they are depressed?

The blues can be helped with homeopathy.

Very complicated indeed.  I think it is safe to say that the world is a more high pressure place than in decades previous.  Depression and anxiety can be rooted in feeling like one hasn’t fulfilled one’s duty, or can’t achieve what is expected of them.  Nonetheless, a person with anxiety or depression can have an effect on an entire family.  It is a very important topic.

The diagnosis of depression is often called a “garbage bag” or “kitchen sink” diagnosis by homeopaths. The reason is because it can include such a wide variety of symptoms, that it isn’t necessarily helpful in determining the correct remedy. In fact, in the homeopathic repertory, a 4 inch thick book of symptoms used to narrow down remedy selections, there are 761 remedies listed in the symptom of “Sadness”.  That is not a very useful symptom in narrowing down a remedy to suit an individual’s version of sadness.  It doesn’t address what the sadness feels like to each person.

If you have depression, or someone you know has depression, have you ever thought about how you or other people experience it?  What is it that makes your depression uniquely your experience, different from what others go through?

Maybe you experience it as feeling unloved and abandoned.  Perhaps it is a dark cloud chasing you.  People have spoken of feeling detached, separated from what is going on around them. Others say that they never feel supported by friends and loved ones.

Depression can be situational as well.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is well known in northern climates where the days are short and the nights are long.  Some people seek relief from a light box. That time of year is coming soon to Minnesota.

Whatever the words you use to describe your sadness, you can see that one size does not fit all when it comes to depression.

Depression is often accompanied by anxiety. A quick check in the homeopathic repertory shows that there are 473 remedies listed under the symptom of “Anxiety”. Again, not a very useful symptom in narrowing down a remedy to heal an individual’s anxiety.

People get anxious for various reasons.  Some people feel anxious about money, even if they have more than they can spend.  Social situations bring out the anxiety in others.  Being alone, driving, flying, public speaking, or having nothing to do are yet other situations that bring on the uncomfortable feeling of being anxious.

It seems during the holiday time of year, pre-existing depression and anxiety are worse than ever. The feelings behind that depression are heightened because there are so many expectations placed on individuals by friends, family and society. Anxiety and depression that can be ignored any other time of the year seems to be harder to manage during the holiday season. Arriving at the perfect remedy for you is easier when one is not doing so well.

Many clients of homeopathy have sought relief from their depression or anxiety with anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications prior to seeking homeopathic treatment.  In some cases, the western medications can provide the relief people seek, and in other cases, only partial relief is found, or there are so many other side effects, that the patient feels better off the medication than on it.  Then of course, there are those TV commercials that state the side effects so matter-of-factly.

Many people ask how we know that homeopathy is helping if we are giving it to people at the same time as their anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication. It can be difficult, especially if they are started at the same time.  As with any treatment plan, it is best to introduce only one modality at a time to determine which is working and which isn’t.

SAD is common in Minnesota and other cold weather states.

However, people who have a number of other symptoms (who among us doesn’t?) or people who have been on their medications for awhile before starting homeopathy can definitely tell the difference.  The other symptoms begin to improve. Clients also report that although they may have felt better with anti-depressants, they feel better than ever emotionally on their homeopathic remedies.  For example, the source of someone’s depression may be that they feel that no one loves them. The anti-depressant may help them feel less sad about that false belief, but it won’t help change their perception of others opinions of them.  A homeopathic remedy will change the underlying root of the depression—in this case, feeling unloved—so that they no longer have a reason to feel sad.

Homeopathic clients frequently wonder when they can begin the process of discontinuing their medications.  This is up to the client.  He or she will know based on how they are feeling when it is best to discontinue.  However, they should consult their homeopath and their physician before doing so.

Most homeopaths recommend a longer tapering off period than even physicians do.  No matter how good a match the remedy is to the person, abruptly discontinuing the anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medications is never a good idea.  A longer tapering off period is often easier on the body.  With any homeopathic remedy, there is always some permanent healing that takes place with each dose.  But there is also a lot of support that is given by the energy in the remedy as well.  If you stop the medications too suddenly or taper too quickly, it can cause your body to use up the energy in the remedy more quickly.

When a person is treated homeopathically, he or she often feels so good that an attempt will be made to discontinue the traditional medications too soon.  Don’t worry about this. If you have to increase your dose again for awhile, it simply means that the symptoms are deeper than the remedy has been able to reach. Be patient. It will happen. And when it does happen, you will be able to blossom into your own self, with fewer limitations and less dis-ease.

Contact me if you would like a complimentary consult so see if homeopathy would work for you.



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What Remedy Does Adele Need?


This morning I read that British singing sensation Adele has cancelled her US tour because, once again, she has laryngitis.  The bluesy singer twice postponed her appearance here in Minnesota but was finally able to give a concert which received good reviews.  I also read that her vocal chords were hemorrhaging.  Yikes!

That is such an interesting symptom, I just had to look it up.  Much to my dismay, there were only a couple small remedies listed and it was in related symptoms.  There is not a symptom of the Larynx bleeding.

So where do we start if we can’t find her most peculiar symptom?  First, related to her most recent cancellation, she said, “Singing is literally my life. It’s my hobby, my love, my freedom and now my job.”

A couple months ago I read an article about her in Rolling Stone magazine. The gist of the article, as it relates to homeopathy, is that she has performance anxiety, aka stage fright, so much so that she will throw up at times from anxiety. “I have anxiety attacks a lot,” she reported. She has a  foul mouth, dropping the F-Bomb and tells filthy jokes on stage. I do not know her motivation for that, but given she is a performer, I would think about the drama of it and the impact it has on others. Perhaps she likes to shock others.  The other important thing to know about Adele when trying to determine a remedy for her is that she is a smoker. This always creates additional problems.  She needs to quit.

Because of her strong feelings about music and singing, we need to first look at remedies that come from the 5th row of the periodic table.  These are the artists, musicians, athletes, attorneys–people who perform. There are 70 or so stage fright remedies, and a few from row 5.

I would also include Inflammation of the Larynx from over use.

So putting the following together, an artist/musician, anxiety attacks, stage fright, cursing, and laryngitis from overuse of her voice, the remedy that comes up first is Argentum Nitricum, which is Silver Nitrate.  It is a very well known remedy in homeopathy and pretty common for musicians and people who have stage fright and fear of heights (don’t know that she talked about that).   It also suits her body type, which is a bit on the plump side from enjoying fine food and wine, to which she also confesses. It also has an affinity for the throat.

Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day

Because Argentum Nitricum does not cover the cursing, I would not be completely comfortable with that remedy.  Another possibility for Adele is the remedy Antimonium Crudum.  Also in the 5th row of the periodic table, they can be very romantic (which she is) and wear romantic clothing.  She also has romantic relationship issues (the Sulphur in this remedy) and likes to be shocking.  The shocking could also appear as a punk rocker, such as Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day.  If you have been to a concert, you would know that shocking is definitely part of his persona.  Contrary, shocking, very talented.

Fortunately for Adele, she comes from Great Britain, where homeopathy is popular and thriving.  Hopefully she will go back to her British roots and see a classical homeopath at home.



Homeopathic Alternatives to Tylenol–Part 2

Homeopathic Alternatives for Injuries

Arnica Montana:  This is a remedy for trauma, or anything that feels like trauma.  Aches and pains associated with overuse of muscles. It may hurt to move.  It will likely feel better with ice, but may feel better with warmth. The person who needs Arnica often feels they don’t need anything.  “I’m fine,

Headers in Soccer can cause injuires

really!!”  You may find it helpful after an athletic event to help the body heal itself.  Gardening in the spring after being housebound all winter.  Tripping and falling, bruising oneself, etc.  Arnica is great post-surgery, dental extractions, etc.  Always try Arnica first unless the symptoms are drastically different from Arnica symptoms.

Bryonia:  This is a remedy for anything that feels worse from movement and better from being wrapped.  Often the next remedy after Arnica. Fear of moving may be a component.  The person may be grumpy and wish to be left alone.  The person may be very restless, but the motion makes them worse.

Rhus Tox:  This is a remedy for any injury that feels worse on first motion, better on continued motion, but eventually gets worse from motion again.  Rhus Tox is better from heat—the hotter the better. One may be reminded of arthritis with this type of pain—where someone can’t quite open the jar in the morning, but once their fingers are nimble, they can open anything, until the end of the day.  (Indeed Rhus Tox is one of many arthritis remedies.)  The person may be very restless, and the motion makes them feel better.

Bellis Perennis:  This remedy is for deep trauma and bruises:  deep muscle injuries, abdominal or pelvic trauma, surgery, etc.  Worse from warm bathing, cold drinks, becoming cold.  Better:  Cold applications to the part.  Also a remedy for injuries and inflammation of the nerves.  It is difficult to find this remedy in a store, for some reason.

Hypericum:  Injuries to nerve rich areas—fingers, tongue, genitals.  Sharp pains shoot upward from injured spot.  Great for dental work where the pain feels more neuralgic than traumatic.

Conium:  Injuries, especially to the glands, such as testicles, breasts, etc.

Lachesis:  Serious bruises with throbbing, pulsing pains.  Bruises sells and turn rapidly a dark purple or even black in color.  Worse:  Any amount of heat.  Better:  Cold.

Ruta:  Bruises to the periosteum, where the bone is close to the surface, such as the tibia, iliac crest, etc.  Also good for shin splints, where wrapping aggravates the condition.

There are many more common injury remedies.  The important thing to know is that one size doesn’t fit all in homeopathy.  You must choose the correct, or close to correct, remedy, or it won’t work.


One common use for over the counter pain relievers is for headaches.  I often get asked what to take for a headache.  Will Arnica work? Is the most common question.  Arnica may work, if you got hit in the head with something and as a result have a headache. Nux Vomica will work if you have a headache because you had too much to drink. Belladonna will work if you have a headache from being overheated and your face is really red.

But garden variety headaches that one gets frequently or even occasionally are considered chronic conditions and a constitutional consultation with a professional homeopath is required to resolve them.

For more information on using homeopathy instead of Tylenol, please consider taking one of my classes.  Go to my website to read more about upcoming classes.



Homeopathic Alternatives to Tylenol–Part 1

The Wall Street Journal on 7/7/09 presented a lengthy article on the problems associated with Tylenol, also known as acetaminophen.  This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this information. I recall an article in Forbes magazine many years Alternatives to Tylenolago entitled “Johnson & Johnson’s Dirty Little Secret.”  It was filled with information on the dangers of routinely giving your youngster Children’s Tylenol for every small ailment, even if you are following the recommended dose.  Given I had small children at the time, I quickly learned what I needed to know about homeopathy so I could avoid Tylenol for colds, fevers, teething, normal toddler bumps and bruises, etc.

Here’s the bottom line with Tylenol safety issues:  it is very easy to overdose, and it is difficult to know you are overdosing.  Your liver starts to fail.  The margin between a safe dose and a potentially lethal one is very small.  The symptoms of Tylenol overdose are like flu symptoms, so one may be encouraged to actually take MORE Tylenol, in the form of Tylenol Cold or Tylenol Flu.  There is an antidote to acetaminophen (imagine that!!) but it has to be given within 12 hours, which can be well before symptoms of an overdose have showed themselves.

The liver is capable of regenerating from some injuries, that is not the case with acetaminophen poisoning.  According to Dr. Timothy Collins, a neurologist at Duke University, “every cell is being damaged at once.”

What to do?  What to do?

It is a well known fact that illnesses and injuries take longer to heal when the fever or the inflammation is suppressed. I’ve even read this in some allopathic medical books. Fevers are a good thing.  So although you may be uncomfortable, it is best to let the fever do its work unless the person who is sick is seizing.  My own experience is that my kids won’t rest if the fever is suppressed.  They want to get up and play.  A fever forces kids and adults to do what they need to do to get better:  sleep!  Temporary inflammation is part of the body’s way of healing injuries.

Homeopathy can help!  Homeopathy is not a one size fits all system of medicine, so you can’t simply go to the medicine cabinet and take out the same remedy for everything, although many people have tried to fit it into that box.

Homeopathy is safe!  While it is possible to take too much of a remedy, thus developing some additional symptoms, these symptoms will go away when you discontinue the remedy.  YOUR LIVER IS UNAFFECTED BY HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES!!!

Watch the blog posting tomorrow for specific suggestions on homeopathic alternatives to Tylenol.



Happy Birthday

Twelve years ago today I gave birth to my second son, Dylan.  Since our first topic is homeopathy and family, it seems appropriate to give some time to the topic of Homeopathy and birth and babies.

Homeopathy and Families

Birth is a pretty traumatic experience.  For both mother and baby.  Our number one trauma remedy, assuming the birth process was normal (whatever that means these days in hospital births), is Arnica.  Arnica can be given to the mother after transition, after birth and given to the baby after birth as well.  Definitely give the baby 30c.  Mother, well, it depends on how sensitive she is.  200C seems about right for most.

The story of one’s birth is very important and helpful in coming up with a homeopathic remedy.  I have one client who came to me, full well knowing that her birth story was the source of her health problems.  Her doctors weren’t as interested in it as I was.  If your birth was normal, it won’t really influence remedy choices.  But anything remotely beyond an easy birth with no interventions may produce a story worthy of considering.

Children get sick.  Believe it or not, it is good for children to get acute illnesses.  It is a way to develop a generalized immune response.  Just like getting in shape by exercising, an acute illness can help children’s immune system get in shape as well.  But when your child does get sick, a good remedy to consider is Pulsatilla.  Pulsatilla is the velcro baby.  Baby gets very sad if you put him down.  He may have a cough, or an ear infection.  But if he wants to be held and seems better if you bring him outside, consider Pulsatilla.  A related and rhyming remedy is Chamomilla.  Chamomilla is like Pulsatilla, but not only do they like to be held, they want you to move around.  Just holding them or sitting while holding is not sufficient for the Chamomilla baby.  This baby gets more mad than sad as Pulsatilla does.  She may also have a red face or cheeks, perhaps one cheek red and the other not.  He may have green stools as well.  It is a good teething remedy as well.

Just knowing these three remedies–Arnica for trauma such as birth or injuries, Pulsatilla and Chamomilla for weepy, clingy babies will resolve a lot of heart ache and help you get more sleep.

Happy Birthday, Dylan.

