Natural Health Care for Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-Being

Posts tagged ‘Homeoprophylaxis’

What Can Homeopathy Do For You? Homeoprophylaxis

The term Homeoprophylaxis has been around for at least a century.  Basically, it means lessening the likelihood of getting some acute illness by taking certain remedies associated with that illness.

Really, any type of homeopathy can do this, but this concept is focused on acute illnesses that may be “going around” or could go around in the future.

Belladonna, commonly known as deadly nightshade or Delphinium, is a remedy for Scarlet Fever.

Belladonna, commonly known as deadly nightshade, is a remedy for Scarlet Fever.

Lets first take an historical look at homeoprophylaxis.  As early as the time of Samuel Hahnemann, the German physician who founded and developed the principals of homeopathy in the early 1800’s, homeopathy has been used to prevent people from getting sick.  According to his series of books Materia Medica Pura, when Scarlet Fever was at epidemic levels in Europe, Dr. Hahnemann recognized that Belladonna was a common remedy for those who were suffering from this life threatening affliction.  So he decided to try to prevent others from getting scarlet fever by giving them a pre-emptive dose of Belladonna.  It was so successful, that in 1838 the Prussian Government ordered its citizens to receive a dose of Belladonna due to the Scarlet Fever epidemic going on there.  There is a reason it was called Scarlet Fever.  Today it is rare due to Anti-biotics when people are diagnosed with a strep infection.  But when someone needs Belladonna with a fever, their face turns red, they are warm to the touch except for their hands and feet–you can even feel the heat above their body, and they have a high fever.

Since the time of Hahnemann, homeopaths have tried to determine the genus epidemicus for the current acute illness. Many times I have recommended to families to take a dose of Arsenicum, for example, if that is the remedy that others in the family have needed when a stomach bug is the current affliction du jour.  This is why it is so important to call when you get sick.  Often I may already have a good idea what you need.  Or, you could help yourself, and others, including family members, when you call.  When it is recognizable, I do try to post suggestions either on Facebook or through emails.  (Like my Lotus Homeopathy Facebook Page if you haven’t done so yet. I did a quick search in my electronic books (over 800) on the word “prophylactic”.  There were 1355 hits.  Many come from homeopathy journals of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.

You can see that preventing illness with homeopathy has long been an effective strategy.  In the late 1900’s, Dr. Isaac Golden studied the effectiveness of using Homeoprophylaxis to prevent childhood diseases as an alternative to conventional vaccines.  His results from a study of nearly 2500 children in Australia over more than 15 years showed them to be as effective or more effective than conventional vaccines.  And not only that, but the unvaccinated children who participated in in the program were generally healthier than the unvaccinated children who did not participate in the program.  For more information about Homeoprophylaxis, please click here.

This past winter I had an interesting experience.  I took a dose of a remedy which I was unfamiliar with.  I just never thought to recommend it (it doesn’t always come up when searching for acute remedies).  So I took it to see what it was about.  I developed the same set of symptoms I always seem to get when I get sick, only not as intense or long lasting.  The end result was that I did not get sick this winter.  I didn’t even feel like I was going to get sick.  (I may have an exacerbation of chronic symptoms, but that is not acute illness, as was disgusted in earlier sections of this series.)  This is what is called the Complementary remedy.  That is, the remedy you need when you get an acute illness, which often has symptoms opposite of what you need when for you chronic state.  For example, a high energy person may need a remedy such as Gelsemium, which is wiped out, flat on his back, when he gets an acute illness.

I have decided that next November, I will take another dose of that complementary remedy just to see if I can use it as a prophylaxis for all things acute.  Hopefully I will remember to let you know how that goes.  But it is hard to determine what your complementary remedy is without a constitutional consult.

Now that you know about the potential of homeopathy to prevent disease, you can feel safe venturing out during an outbreak, with the comfort of knowing you can lessen your chances of getting sick.


Are We Under A Moral Obligation To Vaccinate Our Children?

I don’t know about you, but it is really easy for me to get addicted to Law & Order:  SVU. There was one episode, however, that disturbed me.  A family was accused of causing the death of a child of another family because their child wasn’t vaccinated.  They were treated like common criminals for exercising a choice.  The cops were as angry at them as if they were pedophiles.

design (2)Minnesota law provides for a conscientious objector status for parents who do not wish to vaccinate their children.  If a parent feels that they are not confident that it is a safe thing for their child, they can abstain from “shots”.  There may be other reasons for not doing so, but Minnesota recognizes a parent’s right to make an informed choice on the matter.

Some people would say that there is too great a risk to not vaccinate.  Those childhood diseases are potentially deadly (never mind that they never used to be considered dangerous).  Plus, there are children who have compromised immune systems and they cannot be vaccinated, so they need to be protected.  It is referred to as doing it “for the greater good.”

Others say that there is too great a risk to vaccinate their child.  There are toxic ingredients in vaccines as well as human fetal tissue and parents simply aren’t willing to take that risk.

So therein lies the moral dilemma:  Who do we protect?  The immune compromised child who may or may not catch the disease?  Or do we protect the seemingly healthy child to prevent them from potential harm from the vaccine.

Many folks claim that vaccines are perfectly safe and cause no damage, although this simply isn’t true as billions have been paid out of the Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund, over $3 Billion so far.  This denial of harm has always been a mystery to me.  That is, until I read an article on Risk Management which was posted in CFO magazine.

In the article, entitled “The Value of Life, Statistically Speaking”, the author, Rick Jones states:  “Inoculating children to prevent infectious disease transmission is good for society from both health and financial perspectives, but some initially healthy children may suffer adverse reactions, injury, or even death. For vaccines, the enormous societal benefits trump the tragedies of the few.”  And “The lives saved and dollar benefits from vaccines are hard to calculate, but it’s safe to say that these and other immunizations have greatly improved the quantity and quality of life for millions of people — at the tragic, yet accepted cost of a few.”

Wow.  When I read that article, I was stunned.  I always thought that there was a belief amongst those in power that some collateral damage with the vaccine program was acceptable, but I had never seen it in writing.  This article moves that viewpoint past being just a conspiracy theory to being a fact.  It’s kind of a relief, actually, to hear someone say that they really don’t care about other people’s children.  They no longer need to pretend that they aren’t morally bankrupt.  They have just admitted it.

As a homeopath, I have helped children and adults who have been vaccine damaged.  I have sat with parents who have wept and said that they would have rather had their child die from a childhood illness than have them live the life they have now.  And they feel horribly guilty for feeling that way. They do not feel their contribution to the “greater good” was worth it.

Back to the moral obligation to vaccinate children.  Perhaps the obligation isn’t as strong as it once was, given the admission in this article.  They actually admitted that there is collateral damage, and it’s okay.

We do have to remember that some people just don’t care what happens to other people.  On a personal level they do, but on a societal level they do not.

I do care that someone might die from an acute disease, but there are many ways to prevent complications from diseases such as measles. Vitamin A and Vitamin C, for example, are known to reduce the risk of complications. There are also natural methods of protecting your children from infectious contagious disease.  As a homeopath, I offer a safe alternative–homeoprophylaxis.  Check out my web site for more information. 


Homeopathic Flu Clinic

fluclinicI made a stop at Costco today.  I saw this sign as soon as I came into the store.  It was hard to miss.  It probably had the desired effect on those who are likely to get a flu shot.

Although I can’t do a “road show”, it got me thinking that I can establish my own Flu Clinic.

Homeopathy has been used to prevent disease for 200 years.  Since the time of Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the developer of the principals of homeopathy, homeopathic remedies have been found to be very effective at protecting against disease.  This is called Homeoprophylaxis.

There are three ways of doing this.

First is using classical, constitutional homeopathy.  Making the whole organism stronger helps one fight off the acute bugs that may be circulating through the population.

Second, when there is an acute illness that has established itself among the population, such as influenza or Typhoid in Hahnemann’s time or Ebola in modern times, generally it is revealed that one remedy and one to two minor remedies help most people.  We call this the Genus Epidemicus.  Those who have not gotten sick can take that Genus Epidemicus to prevent getting the illness.  Of course, we do not know what that is for this year’s flu season.  But I will post it if we figure it out.

Finally, homeopaths use Nosodes to help protect against acute illnesses.  I use a nosode called Influenzinum to strengthen the body’s resistance to the flu.  This is what will be in the Flu Clinic.

The process is simple.  You schedule a Influenza Clinic appointment on my website, Scroll down to the section Homeoprophylaxis For Whatever Is Going Around. Click on BookNow at the bottom of the screen.  Choose Individual or Family Influenza Clinic on the drop down list of appointments.  Please indicate whether you are doing this via phone or in person.  You will receive six doses of the remedy per person, one for each month during the flu season.  We will discuss how to use it.  You will sign waivers.  If you get the flu during the 2014-2015 flu season, I will treat your influenza for free.  Remedies will be extra, of course.  The doctor doesn’t even give you that warranty.  If you have any questions, please call me at 651-748-1556.  More directions on the website above.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Remedies Not Shots

Remedies Not Shots

See you at the Flu Clinic.


Homeopathy and Influenza

Offers for vaccinations of all types are seen all over.

If it weren’t for the weather changing to give us a hint that Flu Season is forthcoming, driving around your local Target or Walgreen’s would be a dead giveaway.

Everywhere you look there are signs encouraging you to get the flu shot–and perhaps others.

Before you get sidetracked and enter the store, you should know that Homeopathy has a long track record of helping people who have influenza.

There are three ways homeopathy can help prevent influenza.

First is a good constitutional remedy.  Any acute illness is about opportunity.  Most germs are opportunistic, and the flu virus is no exception.  The best way to prevent acute illness is not through vaccinations, but from becoming more healthy in our core.  A constitutional remedy strengthens your whole being, making you less susceptible to any illness, including influenza.  A constitutional remedy can be recommended at any time, but it does take time to work, each year, making you stronger and stronger.

Second, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the developer of the principals of homeopathy, spoke of something called the genus epidemicus.  What he was referring to was the most common remedy or remedies that are needed when an epidemic is going around.  During the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919, the most common remedy was Gelsemium, followed by Bryonia. Influenza could have been prevented by giving preventive doses of Gelsemium or Bryonia or both to family members and friends of those who suffered through it.  It is different each year and it cannot be determined which remedy will serve this purpose until several cases have been helped with a remedy or remedies.  Fortunately, with the internet making communication easier, homeopaths are in touch each flu season to share information.

Finally, homeopathic nosodes–remedies made from disease sources–can be used to help ward off the flu.  Referred to as homeoprophylaxis, studies have been conducted all over the globe showing the efficacy of this approach.  Please read the references here to learn more.  For influenza, homeopaths can use the remedy called Influenzinum to lower the risk.  When vaccines are developed, they use a particular strain of the flu each year to make a new shot.  The theory presented is that you are only immune to the current strains and each year there are new strains.  This may be true, or it may be a money making scheme.  Because homeopathy is more concerned with symptoms than with influenza strains, we can use the same dose of Influenzinum each year to reduce the risk of illness.  If you are interested in getting a few doses of influenzinum, please click here.  Put a note in the comment section that you are interested in lowering your risk of catching influenza with nosodes.

Personally, I would definitely invest in option #1, the constitutional remedy approach.  I would also try the nosodes, #3, especially if it is close to flu season and you don’t have a good constitutional remedy.  Finally, if necessary, I would try #2.





Back to School with Homeopathy

Homeopathy can help make school better.

It is hard to believe it is August already.  That means that school starts in less than a month, at least in Minnesota, where, by state law, most schools aren’t allowed to start before Labor Day.

Summer seems like a good time to relax and not have to deal with the hustle and bustle of the school year if you have children.  But with the start of school, many of the old problems crop up again.  Maybe your child is anxious about school, maybe there is some ADD/ADHD you are dealing with, or asthma during Gym class.  (Just thinking about Middle School Gym class takes my breath away—and not from the exertion.)

Maybe it is time to not have to deal with those problems anymore.  Homeopathy can help.  Here are just a few ways:

Shots:  Those back to school shots are “required” at certain grades.  The reason “required” is in quotation marks is because that is what the Minnesota Department of Health would like you to believe.  Fortunately, in Minnesota, we have Conscientious Objector status available to parents and their children.  If you don’t wish to vaccinate your child, you can complete a form, have it notarized and turn it in.  The form is readily available on line or in the school district office.  There are really only a couple of states where there are no exemptions possible.

But what if you are concerned about the childhood diseases?  It is true that as children get older, some of the diseases are less of a concern, but others can show up worse in a teenager.  That is actually the rationale behind the order of the vaccine schedule.  If you are concerned about this, Homeopathy has an answer in Homeoprophylaxis (HP).  Homeopathy has been helping to prevent disease since the early 1800’s when Samuel Hahnemann used homeopathic remedies to ward off scarlet fever, typhoid, and other diseases that were going around in epidemic proportions at the time.

Instead of going through the diseases, you can have the energetic disease without the symptoms of the disease, and still receive protection from those diseases.  It takes about 3 years to complete the basic HP program.

Anxiety:  Some students just simply don’t function well in school.  Perhaps there is a subject which they don’t understand, maybe some performance anxiety or the dreaded social issues, which often seem impossible to tackle.

There are homeopathic remedies for the kid who gets picked on, or sweaty hands and shaky knees during public speaking class.  Even Learning Difficulties can be helped with homeopathy.  Remember, homeopathy isn’t just about physical symptoms, but mental and emotional ones as well.

ADD/ADHD:  I’m very excited to put into practice the new training I received in May.  I wrote a blog about CEASE therapy for Autistic kids.  It turns out that it can also help some ADD/ADHD symptoms as well.  Not every child would need the CEASE protocol, but many can be helped with it, and if not, then good old fashioned Classical Homeopathy can also help.

There is still time to make the school year better with Homeopathy.  Call if you need help.
